Safety Rules And Procedures For Operating A 50 Ton Overhead Crane

Crane safety is of the utmost importance, and in this case, you’re operating a 50 ton crane. Perhaps you are trying to provide the proper safety instructions for your crew, too, and you want to know what rules should be followed. Is this crane going to be new to your facility? Here are some safety tips for when you’re preparing to operate a 50 ton overhead crane.

There is obviously going to be an operation manual, but you need to take things a step further. You can have your crew sign up for a safety training seminar or video workshop. And it’s important to go over all of the important safety rules yourself, outside of simply reading the owner’s manual.

50 ton crane
50 ton crane

For example, each time a crane is getting ready to be used, you need to check span length and capacity. There needs to be enough space for the 50 ton crane to be in operation. Additionally, it’s very important that a crane be inspected thoroughly each and every day. It may seem a bit tedious, but you want to be sure that the crane and its components are in complete working order before you decide to put it into use.

When it comes to crane safety, no matter the capacity, it’s always important to be sure that everyone knows not to leave a load unattended. This is a major safety concern and can lead to accidents in the workplace. Be sure that everyone also knows about lock out and tag out procedures. If those tags are on the crane, it is not to be used.

Proper planning needs to go into how you plan to carry the loads, too. In other words, there shouldn’t be anyone underneath a load at any time. The load should always have a proper travel path so that it can get from point A to point B without causing any safety concerns.

heavy duty crane
heavy duty crane

You want to make sure that a load always travels smoothly, too, and that means no swinging. You would be surprised how easy it is to accidentally cause a load to swing. It only takes a small mistake, and there are several rules to follow to ensure that it doesn’t happen.

Safety mistakes with a 50 ton overhead crane can cost lives, and so this is a very serious matter. Every time that crane is propositioned to carry a load, it’s time to pay attention to detail like never before. You want to be sure that you are following all safety standards and procedures. The rules matter, and there’s no reason to take shortcuts or get in a hurry when you have a crane doing the heavy lifting for you.

As the owner of a 50 ton overhead crane, it is your duty to make sure that your employees take their jobs seriously. Operating such a heavy piece of machinery is certainly serious business, and it’s also quite nice to have such a powerful crane doing all the dirty work. You just have to position it properly so that it can lift those heavy objects for you. For details on overhead cranes, you can just open this